The 3rd Annual Shaken Baby Syndrome Candlelight Vigil took place April 24, 2009 in Sarasota Florida. Over 15 families attended from all over the United States. Though tragedy is what gathers us together, we are such a big family, who care for each other, support each other, and give hope to those affected.
Time spent together sharing our experiences, offering advice and support for those newly affected. The day prior to the vigil, yet another child was shaken to death in Sarasota, and we were all able to pull together as the mother was able to be in attendance at the Vigil.
The ceremony started at 8p.m. promptly with the Manatee County Sheriffs Department presenting the Honor Guard, with Major Connie Shingledecker leading all through the Pledge of Allegiance.
A big thank you to all of our speakers:
Vince Smith, Trinity Christian Center Sarasota
Major Connie Shingledecker, Manatee County Sheriffs Department
Angela Cook, Cousin to SBS Victim Michael Blair
Mary Moeller, Grandmother to SBS Victim Alexis Vazquez
Crystal Wilson, presented a letter from Patrick Donohue from the Sarah Jane Brain Foundation
Jeni Silver, Child Protection Center of Sarasota
Mrs. Fowler and Mrs Diffendale, Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber in St. Pete Florida
Sherry Mitchell, Parents of Murdered Children
Melissa Marshall, Mother to SBS Victim Alexis Vazquez
Rachel Sumner, Mother to Madilyne Wentz SBS Victim
Special Thanks to all of our Supporters and Sponsors including:
Superior Tees
Richard LaRivere Signs
Comcast Cablevision
National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome
Child Protection Center of Sarasota
Employess of Sams Club of Sarasota
Sarasota Police Department
HBOC of St Pete
Thank you to all whom donated funds for airline tickets for the families. Because of you, and your generosity, we successfully assisted 7 families in travel to Florida this year!
All photography provided by:
B. Winnekins Photography
Photography by Iesha
We hope to see you next year! Each year we are growing, coming together, and making a stand to raise awareness of Shaken Baby Syndrome.
See you, April 2010!! Location to be announced!