Many hugs sent your way
{Angela and the SBS Support Network family}

With the trial just a few months away, I am reminded of how far we have come in the past year. I am so grateful for all the amazing leaps Bryan and my family have made, but in the same mind frame I am so angry! Bryan has gone through so much and continues to have to. Sure we have lots of good days, and he is an amazing little boy, doing things some children his age, that have never been injured cant do, but we also have bad days. Days where he doesn’t sleep, he cant calm down and he complains with headaches..
All this is so hard to cope with when the person, who in frustration almost killed my sweet, happy little boy who had a wonderful future ahead of him, is living her life as happy as ever. She sends her kids to the school that she chooses, she smiles with her family and hasn’t missed the things we have missed. She tucks her babies into bed at night and doesn’t have to look down at a scar and be reminded of all the pain that little innocent person endured. She didn’t spend Christmas in a hospital with one child while her others where with family. She doesn’t have to hold down a crying baby while they poke and take x-rays. She doesn’t have to have her stomach in knots waiting for test results that will tell if her child has to take more seizure medications. She doesn’t have to feel like she is abandoning her other children because a sick child has required so much time that day. She doesn’t go to bed at night exhausted and worried about the future health of her child, or the future of her family.
I'm sorry for this being such a negative blog, but it’s the reality of Shaken Baby Syndrome, I think other parents or caregivers of SBS survivors feel this way. Luckily, I only have these days once in awhile, and can way more often smile and know how blessed I am and be thankful to be the mommy of a Shaken Baby Syndrome Survivor, the mommy to Brady and Brayson, and the wife of such a strong man.
I want to ask everyone to please say a prayer for Bryan's recovery as well as for Justice to be served. I know that without the amazing prayer chains my family and I would not have made it this far.
Love to you all,
Randee (Bryan's mommy)