What is Shaken Baby Syndrome?

Each year in the United States alone, medical treatment is sought for an estimated 1,400-1,600 babies who have been shaken. Don’t let your child become just another statistic! Tell everyone who cares for your child “Never shake a baby!”

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My Blessings (By Lisa)

I hope all of you experience a beautiful Christmas filled with nothing more than love and beautiful blessings. From everyone here on SBS Support Network

For my family, and their continued support…I am grateful.

For my husband, and my marriage…I am grateful.

For every single person that took the time to visit us in the hospital…I am grateful.

For every donation to Riley…I am grateful.

For every friend who has supported us, and wanted nothing in return…I am grateful.

For Dr. Waldman, who saved my daughter’s life…I am eternally grateful.

For Riley’s school teachers, staff, and one-on-one aide…I am grateful.

For every letter, gift, and card …I am grateful.

For those people who worked endlessly on Riley’s case…I am grateful.

For each person who reached out to us…I am grateful.

For the community of SBS victims and survivors…I am grateful.

For each thought and prayer…I am grateful.

For every message of encouragement…I am grateful.

For those who worried about me and my well-being, while my focus was on Riley …I am grateful.

For each new treatment and therapy…I am grateful.

For every doctor, nurse, and therapist who has helped Riley…I am grateful.

For our coworkers, who donated time, money, and covered for us during our absences…I am grateful.

For my determination…I am grateful.

For every person that supported us during the trial…I am grateful.

For the gift of my son…I am grateful.

For Riley’s continued strength and perseverance…I am grateful.

For every meal or sandwich brought to us in the hospital…I am grateful.

For each accommodation made for Riley…I am grateful.

For each of Riley’s caseworkers…I am grateful.

For every one of Riley’s improvements, large or small…I am grateful.

For every person that still stands by us…I am grateful.

For hope…I am grateful.

For each moment with my daughter, my angel…I am grateful.

1 comment:

Moe Bell said...

Lisa, I am grateful we (Kevin and I) had Riley come into our life. She is an extraordinary lady and you are an extraordinary mom!!!!