You see a disabled little girl…I see a survivor.
You may not understand her…but I do.
You may not be able to talk with her…but she and I can carry on entire conversations.
You see a girl who must be fed…I see the girl who overcame her feeding tube.
You see her leg splints…I see the fancy new shoes she can finally wear over them!
You see the girl in the special seat in the grocery cart…I see my shopping companion.
You see her glasses…I see her eye contact.
You see her propped in her adapted car seat…I see a girl enjoying her car rides.
You see a 4- year- old wearing diapers…I see my big girl who is potty training.
You see a special bathing chair…I see some smiles during bath time.
You see her kicking her legs…I see her trying to figure out her movements.
You see a girl who can’t hold a crayon…I see a girl who can finally reach and touch.
You see a girl with limited mobility…I see her increased strength.
You see a girl with crazy sleep patterns…I see a girl who will go to sleep when she is ready.
You see her busy with therapy and doctors…I see a rehabilitation support team.
You see a little girl not able to play on her own…I see a girl who interacts with help.
You see a girl who can’t walk…I see a girl who can take steps.
You see the toys she cannot play with…I search for ones she can use.
You see a girl struggling to keep her head up…I see her reluctance to let it fall.
You hear her laugh…I never take it for granted.
You see her smile…I see an accomplishment.
You see her limitations…I see her potential.
You see Riley…I see my miracle
Oh Lisa
So beautifully written. I don't know what else to say. You are so remarkable.
As a mother of a SBS survivor, I found your poem beautiful. We all need to be reminded of those things sometimes
This is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read. Thank you so much for sharing!
Perfectly said Lis! A beautiful poem to describe your angel. :)
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