Lillyanna Renee Stevens was born on April 21st 2006! She was a healthy baby with no complications! She lit up my world for the 7 short weeks that I had her before the abuse took place. I being the sole provider for our family had to go back to work 5 weeks after my little angel was born and I left her in the care of her father while I went to work! Never would I have ever suspected he would hurt our little baby girl.When Lillyanna was 7 weeks old we learned that her father had been abusing her. I took her in for an exam because of a large bruise on the left side of her face. My daughter was hospitalized for a few days and we learned that she had two skull fractures and a neck fracture and had suffered from hematomas on the left front of her brain and also on the back by the base of her neck! My daughter was then placed into state foster care and had to remain there for 3 years. Her father got sent to prison but only for 3 years and now Lillyanna has gotten to come home to me. She has seizures and severe anxiety due to abuse and sleep apnia due to abuse the doctors say! We are constantly going back and forth to Portland for testing and doctors apointments. And have been to the hospital a few times but she is such a trooper. She is a beautiful little girl that inspires me everyday because I can look at her and know that whatever problem I am having hers are always worse and she tackles them with a smile. You are a trooper baby girl and my miracle baby!!! I love you with all my heart!
-Written by her mother Katrina
1 comment:
One thing for sure, when your precious little girl grows up and learns the truth of what happened to her, it will change her life, and I am sure yours. I pray that she will grow to be a special person and that God will protect her forever. It looks like she is a true miracle and precious gift from God.
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