What is Shaken Baby Syndrome?

Each year in the United States alone, medical treatment is sought for an estimated 1,400-1,600 babies who have been shaken. Don’t let your child become just another statistic! Tell everyone who cares for your child “Never shake a baby!”

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Coping Mechanisms

-Coping mechanisms (Did you ever deal with alcoholism or drug abuse, or another form of harm you put yourself through shortly after?)

After my sons assault, I didn’t deal with any sort of substance abuses like drugs or alcohol. But boy do I love food. Im not sure how much weight I gained, Im know it was a lot during that time frame.

I had the support of my family and friends, and that got me thru. I am a very emotional and sensitive person, I get upset easily and am more of a “the glass is half empty” person. I wallowed in self pity and depression for some time. I didn’t want to get out of bed. I didn’t want to eat… then I wanted to eat everything. I didn’t want to leave the house, I just wanted to pull inward.

I had my son who had survived to take care of, so my focus was on him and being there for him, I guess that was a coping mechanism… I have to cope and function thru this, I have to. I am all he has.

I guess no matter what happens in our lives, we having some form of coping mechanism to get us thru.


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