Shaken Baby Syndrome.. Prior to the tragic events that took my daughters life if someone where to mention Shaken Baby Syndrome I would have looked at them and said “What is that?? Who would ever Shake a Baby?? How could that thought ever cross someone’s mind??” I know that I am not the only parent that was caught off guard when we found out this happened to our child. Sadly I along with many others never heard of this horrible act until it happened to our children.
In the weeks following the loss of my daughter I decided that I wanted to look for others that have been affected by this. At the hospital I was told of Several different cases of Shaken Baby Syndrome.. Of course they never told me names though.. I knew that there were others out there that understood what I was going through. I knew that it was important for me to find someone that understood..
I have since come in contact with so many families that have also so sadly been affected by SBS. Angel families and Survivors and their families.. It has helped me in so many ways just being able to talk to others that have dealt with this. Sometimes knowing that I am not alone is all it took to bring just a little bit of comfort to my life. I am not going to lie and say that it was easy hearing about and meeting others whose children have been through this though. Every time I heard and continue to hear of these stories my heart breaks. I know that I need these people in my life though, and I know that its important to have the support. I have met people who were afraid to talk to me about what has happened in fear of causing more pain. I have learned that sharing my feelings to others about this experience has helped on more than one level of healing.
As the mother of a SBS Angel I have dealt with several different emotions when I have contact with survivors and their families. I am SO happy that these children have been able to defy the odds and continue along the road that life has planned for them. The smile I have is sincere, but the pain I have in my heart is never far behind. I cant help but look at these children and be happy for them and their families. I don’t wish the pain of losing a child on anyone. I just want to give them great big hugs.. Even though I am feeling this awful pain I know that their path is not an easy one either.
When I meet another family of an SBS angel I share their pain. I know that part of their heart is gone forever and there is nothing in this world that any of us can do or say that will ever get that back. Our lives have been changed Forever.. But we are forced carry on. Then I realize so have the lives of survivors and their families.
We are all on this journey together. We have all felt the pain that SBS causes. I understand that each of us have a different situation, but yet we all are intertwined. Together we can help one another… Angel families and survivors and their families a like. We are all in this together!!
Beautiful blog Mandy. Im so glad to have become friends :) So happy we have all found each other. Love ya!
Uncle Bill & I will never kno what u have xperienced by losing Nichole. Only the sadness and tears I felt and shed for you when I heard the news. Doing what you are doing now is GREAT!!! I'm sure it helps in your healing and it DEFINELTY IS FOR A GREAT CAUSE!! May there be continuing peace in your life and other SBS victims.. Love Aunt Janet & Uncle Bill
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